A population of Turkey is above 83.722.988.
Average age of population is 28.5.
There are 166 universities, 104 of which are public universities.
Internet access per household: %41.6.
There are 21 national, 14 regional and 229 local TV channels.
Turkey is a Non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council 2009-2010.
On October 3rd, 2005 Turkey began negotiation process with the EU and become a candidate for the European Union since 2005.
Since 1945 Turkey is a member of United Nations and also a member of Unesco since.
Since 1949 become a member of Council of Europe.
Turkey become a member of Nato since 1952.
Turkey’s  Number of 3G mobile phone subscribers is 19.407.264
Number of mobile internet users is above 1.448.020 and Number of internet subscribers is 8.672.376
The mobile phone users are more than 61.8 million people.